The PPM series accepts a linear voltage, current or millivolt signal at its input, converts it into desired engineering units, and then displays it. In addition, it also monitors a number of useful functions such as high and low process readings, change in process value from any given point, process run time, rate of process change etc.

Keys are appropriately labeled, so that the user would not have to memorize their functionality. A passcode requirement keeps unauthorised personel from changing critical parameters such as limits, scaling etc.

Input signals are displayed in engineering units that correspond to the process being monitored e.g. if measuring pressure, the input signal can be scaled to give the reading directly in PSI. Scaling is accomplished from the front keys and does not require any tedious formulas. Also offered is a tare function for weighing and any similar applications.

For Control and alarm functions, the unit has four programmable limits (relays or open collector option). A built in buzzer sounds an audio alarm whenever a limit is reached and any relay gets activated. Also featured is process runtime indication and two timers (optional) with open Collector outputs. One of the timer outputs can also be configured as a process change alarm (deviation alarm). This output activates when process deviates by a programmed amount from the reference point.

An attractive feature of PPM series are the three alphabets that can be programmed to indicate engineering units e.g. PSI, YDS, etc. This is specially useful for indicating different processes side by side e.g. temperature and pressure (C & PSI).

PPM series can be programmed to indicate in one of eight possible display modes:
1. Display Process
2. Display rate of change
3. Display deviation
4. Display max reading
5. Scan all parameter
6. Display min reading
7. Display process change
8. Display elapsed time

If scan mode is selected, all the above parameters are briefly displayed in a sequence.

Input, power and output connections are conveniently located on the back of the instrument and are made through pluggable Euro-style screw terminals.